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Perfecting bridge design toward finals - 4.1 Bite seems to be completely wrong, and needs to align to a new bridge scan

If the original bite is completely off, then the digital bite that the lab has is wrong. We need to do some extra work to see what the bite looks like currently, and what the ideal bite should be.


1. You will need to get bridge scans and photos before making adjustments to the bridges, so we can see the current bite. The scans should include both arches and a bite scan.


2. You will need to get bridge scans and photos after making adjustments to the bridges, so we can see the ideal VDO. The scans should include both arches and a bite scan.


Both scans should include as much gingival information as possible, including the palate and other gingival markers that can be used to align the scans. This is especially important on the mandibular arch scan as natural gingival markers are harder to find.

The 7 required pictures that will help us verify that the digital bite is accurate are detailed in the following link:


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